Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Don't stop...belieeeeevin. Hold on to that feeeeeelin'

Streetlights? People? Uhhhhho ooooooh!

It's been a long time. After last year's oh for four record with Harvard, Chicago, Yale and Wharton, I found myself reluctant to jump back in. So I spent the summer redoing the GMAT and planned to reapply next fall (to enroll fall 2011). After improving my score my score and embracing a new "take a chance" mentality, I decided to submit ONE re-app.

Which I just sent off 2 minutes ago to the Lauder program at Wharton. It's interesting the progress and growth you can find in just one year. As I re-examined my essays and limited feedback to four key individuals (instead of asking everyone and their mother...most of whom were not in nor ever going to be in the business school world), I found what I wrote last year to be inaccurate. Not that I was being dishonest - but I don't know if I truly believed my story. This year, I do.

And it feels amazing. Again, even if this process doesn't work out I have so much to be thankful for. Writing all these apps, explaining stories, telling people about motivations that prove to be has allowed me to figure out what I am good at, what I want to do, and what I enjoy doing. So thank you, evil app process. You've actually done me some good.


-the bird (is the word)