Thursday, June 4, 2009

Looking Forward


It's funny how applying to business school changes you. I knew last fall I wanted to do an MBA program. And many of you are thinking, "Earlybird is probably anti-MBA now." Well, you're totally wrong. If anything, the rejection from all four schools has only reinforced that business school is where I want to be. I just had the wrong reason for applying and it was like a bad pick up line: easily spotted and rejected.

So over the first few months of 2009 as I started a new job working as a director of strategy for a non-profit, I began thinking of where my life would take me and I've got my new two year plan.

Now til August: GMAT (again)
August to October: Work, Travel, Classes (Russian and Stats)
October to June 2010: CFA Level II prep
July to October 2010: Applications (again)
December: Acceptance...ideally!

I've got some time to revise and enhance my story and to refine my school list.

So yay for a new outlook and time to plan! It's now 3 AM and I'm watching "How I Met Your Mother" DVD's. And I got a 700 on a GMATPrep exam tonight. Life's good.


JulyDream said...

Happy to hear you're looking up! Good luck. :)

AND-ON said...

I'm so glad I finished CFA :). Best of luck with L2. I'm going to spend the autumn doing FRM, I'm hoping risk will become increasingly important going forward...

What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger.

Josh Hohman said...

I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that I enjoy your blog, and wish you the best of luck with your MBA experience. I was in your shoes a few years ago, and can tell you that the Stanford GSB was two of the best years of my life (the application process, not so much, but that’s another story…)

Anyway, I know how stressful the application process can be, and since a lot of your readers are in the process of applying to business school, I thought I might be able to help you provide a valuable resource to your loyal readers.

I’d like to send you a copy of my complete applications for 5 top MBA programs (for free, seriously). Then, if you think your readers might like it as well, I’ll provide a link you can post on your blog so your readers can grab their copy as well.

If you're interested, drop me an email at, and I'll have a preview copy of my application materials emailed to you ASAP, so you can check it out and make sure it's something you'd feel comfortable giving away to your readers.

Josh Hohman