Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jealous and Testing

If ever there were a sense of urgency, it is now. I have met two former grade school and high school classmates who are going to Columbia and Berkeley respectively this fall and it's got me thinking...why can I be in their shoes?

I'm enrolled in my Manhattan GMAT prep course now, having already taken it once and received a reasonable score (but not what I wanted). I got a 39 on the verbal in a practice exam today which puts me in the 89th percentile in Verbal. Is that an accurate assessment? Anyone have any ideas?


JulyDream said...

Glad to see you're back out here and posting. Can't find my score sheet as a reference, but if I do, will let you know. :)

aaron said...

haha. Well going to try and do more. My fall work load looks to be tough. Failed the CFA so I once I get my apps in for round 1, I'm right back to studying! ;-)