Tuesday, October 7, 2008

technology sucks

YIKES. The Wharton app is down. I was trying to resend the link to my recommender so she could finish it and what happens? The Wharton site crashes. And there's still two days! WTF!


Vitaly Kartsev said...

Looks like it's back up. Since a bunch of schools use Apply Yourself, I wonder if *everyone* was locked out when you were having trouble. I'm glad I was working on essays last night -- I might have had a heart attack if I couldn't log in to any of my schools. :-)

I just logged in to check the site and noted one of my recommenders submitted, though. Nice!

Hope your app is coming along! I just have one Lauder essay left today.

aaron said...

aye it is back up. submitted tonight. good luck with your last essay!